The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 14
. colorful markers and cool fonts and tape them
annoyed or disgusted or angry. But I
to your mirror or on your headboard, or stick
want to share with those of you
one in your Bible where you will see it every
struggling out there, some simple tips
morning when you have your devotions. Or what- to help you win!
ever places you think will work for you and where
you will see it daily. It helps!
Just remember, your siblings are
human and they will act up and annoy
♥ MAKE A PROGRESS CHART for yourself. I know this you, but being humble and accepting
might sound kind of silly or childish but seriously, their correction or suggestions and
when you know that there is something you are
doing your best to honor their wishes
going to have to check off or color in (or whatev- will make you feel good, make your
siblings love you a lot more, and most
er) at the end of the day, it just helps for some
reason. Then when you look at your progress over important of all it will please God.
the week or month it inspires you to keep on!
it comes to relationships with your siblings and
make a specific effort to work on that for a week
(or a month or whatever your choice). Whether
its anger or disrespect or picking arguments or
criticizing or whatever it may be. (I struggle with
those) Mark off each day you succeed and pray
about it daily.
I hope I could be of some help. Don’t
feel like the struggle is all yours! I
struggle with this daily and I’m sure
there are a lot of other girls out
there that do too. Be comforted that
God will always forgive and give you
a second chance to please Him! God’s
blessings as you strive to build Godhonoring relationships with your
Well, these are just some things I have siblings!!
tried and found helpful. I don’t by any
means have victory every time I am
~Andrea Powell