The Virtuous Daughter Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 13
Best Friends
{Not enemies}
Creating Strong Relationships with
Your Siblings
By Andrea Powell
look at like throwing your hands in
Relationships with your siblings the air and pulling your hair out
are some of the most important re- (well at least that’s what I usually
lationships you will create. Partly feel like doing). Well, I thought up a
because you are going to be around few tips to help you when you feel
them most of your life and partly
because they are God’s gift to you.
Before I get into this though, I
want to assure you that I do not
have this all figured out. (although
like you’re on your last nerve:
♥ PRAY daily about your relationships and
your attitude. God can help you reply sweetly
when you feel like yelling.
♥ TAKE A DEEP BREATH before answering with
I wish I did). Honestly, I feel very
an upset tone. Like Ma told Laura Ingalls “count to
unqualified to write on this. But I
ten before you speak”.
will try my best to give you some
tips and help you out in your relationship-building with your siblings.
to apologize and ask for your sibling’s
forgiveness daily. Humility will go a long way in
First though, I want to stress some- ♥ PUT REMINDERS AROUND THE HOUSE. I have found
thing that I found so helpful to me. this very encouraging! Whether it’s a
Instead of looking at your siblings
motivating quote you found online or a Bible
like just the people you live with
verse or just simply a “remember to be kind”.
every day and half to put up with,