October 23, 2018 | The Valley Catholic
Suicide and the Soul
By Rev. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
Theologian, teacher, award-winning
author, and President of the Oblate
School of Theology in San Antonio, TX
More than fifty years ago, James Hillman wrote
a book entitled, “Suicide and the Soul.” The book
was intended for therapists and he knew it wouldn’t
receive an easy reception there or elsewhere. There
were reasons. He frankly admitted that some of the
things he proposed in the book would “go against all
common sense, all medical practice, and rationality
itself.” But, as the title makes clear, he was speaking
about suicide and in trying to understand suicide,
isn’t that exactly the case? Doesn’t it go against all
common sense, all medical practice, and rationality
itself? And that’s his point.
In some cases, suicide can be the result of a bio-
chemical imbalance or some genetic predisposition
that militates against life. That’s unfortunate and
tragic, but it’s understandable enough. That kind of
sickness goes against common sense, medical prac-
tice, and rationality. Suicide can also result from a
catastrophic emotional breakdown or from a trauma
so powerful that it cannot be integrated and simply
breaks apart a person’s psyche so that death, as sleep,
as an escape, becomes an overwhelming temptation.
Here too, even though common sense, medical prac-
tice, and rationality are befuddled, we have some
grasp of why this suicide happened.
But there are suicides that are not the result of a
biochemical imbalance, a genetic predisposition, a
catastrophic emotional distress, or an overpowering
trauma. How are these to be explained?
Hillman, whose writing through more than fifty
years have been a public plea for the human soul,
makes this claim: The soul can make claims that go
against the body and against our physical wellbeing,
and suicide is often that, the soul making its own
claims. What a stunning insight! Our souls and our
bodies do not always want the same things and are
sometimes so much at odds with each other that death
can be the result.
“The heart has it reasons of which
reason knows nothing.”
In the tension between soul and body, the body’s
needs and impulses are more easily seen, understood,
and attended to. The body normally gets what it wants
or at least clearly knows what it wants and why it is
frustrated. The soul? Well, its needs are so complex
that they are hard to see and understand, not alone
attended to. As Pascal so famously put it: “The heart
has it reasons of which reason knows nothing.” That
is virtually synonymous with what Hillman is saying.
Our rational understanding often stands bewildered
before some inchoate need inside us.
That inchoate need is our soul speaking, but it is
not easy to pick up exactly what it is asking of us.
Mostly we feel our soul’s voice as a dis-ease, a restless-
ness, a distress we cannot exactly sort out, and as an
internal pressure that sometimes asks of us something
directly in conflict with what the rest of us wants. We
are, in huge part, a mystery to ourselves.
Sometimes the claims of the soul that go against
our physical wellbeing are not so dramatic as to
demand suicide but in them, we can still clearly see
what Hillman is asserting. We see this, for example, in
the phenomenon where a person in severe emotional
distress begins to cut herself on her arms or on other
parts of her body. The cuts are not intended to end
life; they are intended only to cause pain and blood.
Why? The person cutting herself mostly cannot ex-
plain rationally why she is doing this (or, at least, she
cannot explain how this pain and this blood-letting
will in any way lessen or fix her emotional distress).
All she knows is that she is hurting at a place she
cannot get at and by hurting herself at a place she can
get at, she can deal with a pain that she cannot get
to. Hillman’s principle is on display here: The soul
can, and does, make claims that can go against our
physical well-being. It has its reasons.
For Hillman, this is the “root metaphor” for how
a therapist should approach the understanding of
suicide. It can also be a valuable metaphor for all us
who are not therapists but who have to struggle to
digest the death of a loved one who dies by suicide.
Moreover this is also a metaphor that can be help-
ful in understanding each other and understanding
ourselves. The soul sometimes makes claims that go
directly against our health and well-being. In my pas-
toral work and sometimes simply being with a friend
who is hurting, I sometimes find myself standing
helplessly before someone who is hell-bent on some
behavior that goes against his or her own well-being
and which makes no rational sense whatsoever.
Rational argument and common sense are useless.
He’s simply going to do this to his own destruction.
Why? The soul has its reasons. All of us, perhaps in
less dramatic ways, experience this in our own lives.
Sometimes we do things that hurt our physical health
and well-being and go against all common sense and
rationality. Our souls too have their reasons.
And suicide too has its reasons.
November 2-4
Women’s Spanish Retreat/Retiro en Español 1 (Señora)
Fr. Eugenio Aramburo
JESÚS Una Biografi a y Quien Fue Realmente Jesús de Nazaret
November 9-11
Men’s & Women’s Spanish Retreat/Retiro en Español 2
Fr. Roberto Vera
(Señor y Señora)
Preparacion para Celebrar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Nov 30 - Dec 2
Men’s & Women’s Silent Retreat
Fr. Paul McDonnell, OSJ
Advent Through the Eyes of St. Joseph
December 14-16
Men’s & Women’s Non-Silent Retreat
Daughters of Carmel Nuns
Inner Healing Retreat
To register call (650) 329-8518 or email [email protected]
For more information:
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.stclaresretreat.com
Staffed by Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows