The Valley Catholic November 7, 2017 | Page 16

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Two Authors , One Illustrator , One Month at Saint Clare School

November 7 , 2017 | The Valley Catholic
Saint Clare students were treated to three presentations from the Hicklebee ’ s Author Series during October . Best-selling author and illustrator , Marianne Richmond , visited students in grades TK - 4 on Oct . 3 . Richmond has written more than 50 books in the past 20 years . Her newest book is “ Be Brave Little One .” Richmond discussed with the students what it takes to be brave and have courage . It ’ s not just about being able to stand in front of an audience . She pointed out that it ’ s a feeling and a choice . “ Courage is a choice fueled by the wisdom of your heart . The challenge is to move past the fear to get to the brave ,” said Richmond .
Saint Clare ’ s middle school students were treated to a writing workshop on Oct . 17 with author Sharon Cameron . Cameron has been the recipient of several awards for her books , including the Sue Alexander Award for Most Promising New Work and YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection . Cameron ’ s current book is “ The Knowing .” In the hour-long presentation , Cameron was able to help all the students write the beginnings of their very own novel . She indicated that anyone can write a story
Author and illustrator , Marianne Richmond , visited students in grades TK - 4 on Oct . 3 .
when you are able to answer six simple questions : when , where , who , what , why , and what if ? “ When you have all the questions answered in the beginning , you have your story ,” explained Cameron . She shared with them that it took her four years to write her first book , “ The Dark Unwinding ” because she didn ’ t answer all the questions . She has since learned to answer those questions and has been able to write a book in as little as nine months ! She gets her
Illustrator Genevieve Santos , visited grades 1 – 3 on Oct . 19 .
ideas for her novels by the things that interest and excite her .
Finally , illustrator Genevieve Santos , visited grades 1 – 3 on Oct . 19 . Ms . Santos is a San Jose native , graduating from Saint Patrick School and Notre Dame High School . She ’ s a full-time illustrator and her newest project is illustrating the “ Daisy Dreamer ” chapter book series . Santos discussed with the students what her job entails and how she draws . Her job is to decide how characters will
look in the books . She explained to the students that she ’ s inspired by what she likes which translates to how she will draw certain characters . During the presentation , Santos took ideas from the students and together they were able to draw their own imaginary character . Ms . Santos highlighted there is no wrong way to draw and it ’ s good to keep a sketch book on hand and draw what you like . Santos is currently collaborating on a project with the Santa Clara City Library .
All touring author visits were provided by Hicklebee ’ s Bookstore in Willow Glen . Saint Clare School and Hicklebee ’ s continue to work together to promote reading , writing and illustrating at the elementary school level .
More information regarding DSJ Catholic Schools , can be found at www . dsj . org / schools .

People You Trust Caring for People You Love

Our Elder Care Specialist will help you with :
• Home Care ( Personal care , housekeeping and companionship )
• Appointments , errands and transportation
• Post Hospitalization Rest and Recovery
• Coordinating Life Transitions
• Community and Home based Services

Call Our Elder Care Line ( 408 ) 831-0441

Most Holy Trinity School Choir Visits City Hall
On Sept . 26 , at the invitation of Councilwoman Sylvia Arenas from District 8 , about 20 members of the Most Holy Trinity ( MHT ) School Choir had the honor of accompanying Father Bob Fambrini , S . J ., pastor of Most Holy Trinity Church , to City Hall for the invocation before the San Jose City Council meeting .
Father Bob first led a short prayer to begin the meeting , which was followed by the MHT School Choir ’ s performance of “ Go Out , Go Out ,” a song proclaiming that all “ tell the Good News ” and “ praise the Lord .” The choir ’ s spirited performance brought smiles to the faces of those in attendance for the session .
Councilwoman Arenas spoke about Most Holy Trinity ’ s role in the community as a place that “ serves as a foundation for many families by offering services that go beyond worship .” That foundation is present in the rigorous education and faith formation MHT School boys and girls receive on a daily basis . Both MHT Church and School look forward to working with Councilwoman Arenas in the future . Please visit www . mostholytrinitysj . org for more information about our programs and for an application .