| April 25, 2017
Saint Elizabeth Seton School joins with Saint Patrick School to celebrate our Founders’ Day
Each year Saint Elizabeth Seton
School welcomes Saint Patrick School
students and staff to our Founders’
Festival celebration. Our two school
communities join together to remember
and honor Saint Vincent de Paul who
founded the Ladies of Charity, now 400
years ago, and in 1633 also founded the
Daughters of Charity who generously
sponsor both of our schools. We plan
this day to live out our Vincentian mis-
sion of serving others.
Both schools gathered at Saint
Albert the Great Church to recall the
great works of our founders. We then
grouped in grade level classrooms for
a quick ice-breaker activity and set to
work on pre-selected service projects.
Our students and their families donat-
ed goods for the success of each project.
Beautiful gift baskets and activity pack-
ages were made for children at Lucile
Packard Children’s Hospital and the
Ronald MacDonald House at Stanford.
Tie-blankets constructed for the home-
less; toiletries packaged for the farmers,
cards made for the homebound and
much more. It was delightful to see
the enthusiasm in each classroom as
both schools worked to complete their
Saint Elizabeth Seton School welcomes Saint Patrick School students and staff to the Founders’
Festival celebration.
projects together in a relatively short
period of time.
After a shared lunch, the afternoon
was open for several fun activities
amazingly well choreographed by Ms.
Hunter and the seventh and eighth
grade students. All students pre-select-
ed two activities to participate in and
colored wrist bands were assigned to
reflect their choices. Lanyard making,
Fruit Loop necklaces, Play-Doh and
bubble stations, clean house and other
ball games lent themselves well to an
afternoon of welcoming our visitors.
With close to 530 students that was
quite a feat to coordinate!
At the end of the day we all gathered
in the church once again to share our
service projects, explain who we were
helping and how we saw Jesus in our
service throughout the day. It was won-
derful to hear students freely express
their love for serving others.
As we recalled the great works of
our founders, Saint Vincent de Paul,
Saint Louise de Marillac and Saint Eliz-
abeth Ann Seton, we were reminded of
the values of faith, love, hope and char-
ity that they lived and shared freely
with others. Through their sacrifices
and efforts our schools were founded,
and we are inspired to continue their
work through our own Vincentian
spirit. It is important that we, through
our example and daily experiences,
show respect for others, to help those
around us feel safe, and to create peace
and harmony with our positive actions.
Through our community service proj-
ects completed throughout the day we
shared our Vincentian values as part
of a living, caring community within
our two schools.
By living these values within our
schools and homes we will create
greater harmony in our cities, our
country, and our world. If these values
truly live within us then each of us can
truly make a difference – we are also
grateful to the Daughters of Charity
who instill these values in our com-
munities today.
A Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines of
Lourdes, Fatima & Santiago de Compostela
Plus Lisbon, Bom Jesus, San Sebastian, Santander & More!
During the 100th Anniversary Year of the Fatima Apparitions
Under the Spiritual Direction of:
Back Row: Coach Welsh, Desmond Casto, Christopher Wilk, Matthew Lavin, Ryan Packard, Ethan
Galbraith, Clem Welsh, and Coach Agarpao. Front Row: John Agarpao, Curran Lyons, Alex Clisbee,
Christian Klostermann, Mateo Ramirez, and Enow Akem.
Saint Leo’s Eighth Grade Boys’ Basketball Team
The Lions’ final roar came with a
slight blow! The eighth grade boys’
basketball team at Saint Leo the Great
Catholic School finished off their final
season of basketball undefeated. Head
Coach Welsh and Assistant Coach
Agarpao were both so impressed with
the athletic growth and prowess over
the last four years as well as their
undisputable teamwork and sports-
manship. The Saint Leo community
is grateful to the two coaches for their
years of dedication and their countless
hours of preparation for a final unde-
feated season!
Coach Welsh was overjoyed when
he heard a coach from another team
claim that the boys looked too small
to match up to his team; the coach
receiving that message responded, “I
wouldn’t judge them by their size, I’ve
seen them play!”
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