He finally gets home, running into his house to see his mom and dad, happy to see their son they gave Carlos a hug. Carlos instantly realized his dog had not greeted him. He asked his mom where he was and in a nervous voice she told him that the dog had run away and then tried changing the object. Carlos runs out the house in a search for his dog, running for what had only been a couple blocks but felt like miles. Turning the corner he sees his dog in the middle of the street. As they began running toward each other, just inches away, the bright light appeared from the sky on Carlos and suddenly, he started floating off the ground. As he was getting higher off the ground, his feet hanging and his dog looking up at him, the light engulfs Carlos. Closing his eyes, he prepares himself to see the unimaginable and suddenly feels a tap. Waking up abruptly he burst out of his seat and looked around to see his classmates and teachers looking back at him.