The Unicorn S2 2022-2023 | Page 24

Writer's Block

by Anonymous SBHS Student

The fan blowing loud across the room, the sound of fingers typing and the gray sky peaking through the window. Carlos sat there contemplating what to write about. He had been sitting there the whole class period trying to be inspired, listening to music, searching topics and thinking about stories that happened in his life. But nothing was coming to him. Feeling hopeless, he walked to his next class upset that he wasn't more creative and that his life hadn't been as exciting as he thought it was. Walking into class in a slump he sat down at his desk, connected his wired headphones into his phone and laid his head down to get some rest. He picks his head up thinking that he had only been resting for about five minutes, but he sees an empty, dark room. Panicking, he runs out of the classroom. Hoping he would see his peers, he pushed through the door  to see more of the empty school. It had looked somewhat abandoned with trash on the ground and a light flickering. Carlos didn't want to worry because he wished that he simply fell asleep for longer than expected. Getting closer to the front exit of the school,  he notices people outside running, bright lights coming from the sky. Carlos looked up to see weird objects in the sky, they hadn't looked like any aircraft he could've ever imagined. As his panic starts to build, Carlos tries to think of what to do and where to go. Still looking at the sky, he sees the object disappear in an instant. His first thought was to drive to his house. Driving  through the streets he sees the disaster that these objects left behind, crashed houses, cars , and people in distress. Rushing to his house as fast as possible to be sure his family is safe. Running red lights, stop signs, anything that was in his way. Trying not to look up, scared an object would be following him.