The Unicorn S1 2021-2022 | Page 8

Student Athlete

Lexi Callari

What is it like

being a student athlete?

Everyday is like a race to 

fit everything into just 24 hours.

Creeeek! My mom opens my

door and it’s time to go to school.

The day is a ticking time bomb 

that I need to be able to beat.

Even if you are not ready for the day,

it cannot always be night.

Quite a fight alright

but I'm ready.

Now I play and fight until

the final buzzer goes off.

Dive, dump, dig.

Keep doing it until the ball can’t wait

to greet the floor on the other side.

Then go home to drown in

all the homework from school.

But is there enough 

time in the day?