The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible PDF eBook Free Download Full Guide to Losing Weight Permanently eBook PDF | Page 13
The Ultimate Weight Loss Bible
strength training. Strength training is something all women should do to improve the quality and
quantity of their lives!
7. Question. Lactic acid causes muscles to be sore the day after working out.
False. Lactic acid, produced from the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates causes the feeling of
muscle burning and fatigue during exercise. Studies show that most lactic acid is removed from the
muscles about one hour after exercise. So, the lactic acid is not around 24-72 hrs later when muscle
soreness shows up. The muscle pain that is felt 24-72 hrs after exercise is called delayed onset muscle
soreness (DOMS). Studies show that most DOMS is caused by eccentric muscle contractions
("negatives" as they are sometimes called in the gym). Eccentric muscle contractions occur muscle
fibers lengthen, such as when you lower a weight.
8. Question. Soy protein will lower cholesterol.
True. Studies show that if you have high cholesterol, consuming soy protein, when combined with a
diet that is low in saturated fat can reduce total cholesterol levels by about 9%. Studies also show soy
can reduce LDL, the so- called-bad cholesterol, by about 13% and lower triglycerides (blood fats) by
about 11%. These effects may take 2 months before they are observed. See your doctor if you have a
history of breast or bladder cancer. Some experts theorize that high levels of soy may activate these
cancers. This is a controversial area of research but it is best to discuss this with your doctor to be on
the safe side.
9. Question. Strength training is safe for children.
True. Studies do not generally show damage to growth plates or other injuries resulting from
resistance training in children if they are under the guidance of a professional. Children are not
miniature adults and should not lift heavy weights. Before puberty, when testosterone levels are low,
children will not increase the size of their muscles from strength training. The focus should be on
proper lifting technique and lighter resistances. Manual resistance, body weight resistance,
dumbbells and some machines may be appropriate for children.
10. Question. Eating low fat foods is best for weight loss.
False. It's possible for a food to have almost zero fat yet be teeming with calories. Remember, its
reductions in calories eaten, not fat, that causes real weight loss.
11. Question. Muscle weighs more than fat.
False. Muscle and fat weigh the same. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat. A pound of
muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.
12. Question. Muscle burns more calories than fat.
True. It's estimated that a pound of muscle burns between 20 to 80 extra calories per day. Fat burns
essentially zero calories. Thus, adding muscle can help you burn more calories and lose more weight.
FAQ by Joe Cannon