FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS, CureSearch has been a leader in funding children's cancer research. During this time, overall cure rates have increased from approximately 40% to 80%. But, for many of the more rare cancers, cure rates remain unchanged. During this same time, only 2 drugs have been specifically developed for children's cancer, a number that is simply not acceptable. Today, as they did decades ago, children are treated using medications developed for adults, but in much higher doses. With decades to live after treatment, children often experience significant side effects and secondary cancers later in life.
NOW, THE FIELD IS CHANGING. Advances in genomics are enabling researchers to understand more and more about the various types of children's cancer – from how they begin at the cellular level to what impact specific therapeutic agents have. Such understanding is expected to lead quickly to new, targeted treatments, if funding is available.
TO HELP US DEFINE and launch a new scientific vision, CureSearch convened a Scientific Advisory Council featuring some of the brightest and most innovative thinkers in the cancer research field. Together, this venerable group has set a strong vision for how CureSearch might stand at the intersection of medical, scientific, and commercial sectors to bring patients to the forefront as we solve for a cure. In partnership, we have articulated the following scientific vision:
CURESEARCH WILL ACCELERATE THE CURE FOR CHILDREN'S CANCER by driving innovation, eliminating research barriers, and solving the field's most intractable problems.
CURESEARCH WILL CONTINUE TO FUND COLLABORATIVE CLINICAL TRIALS so that children in treatment today have access to the latest medicines at hospitals close to home. Ultimately, CureSearch hopes to change the odds for those children who are most at risk.
Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease among children in the United States. Every day, 36 children are diagnosed with cancer and the average age of diagnosis is 6. That's 1 to 2 children for every 10,000 children in the United States. Cancer affects all ethnic, gender, and socio-economic groups and more than 40,000 children undergo treatment for cancer each year.
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