The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 30

that you know this, you can put yourself in control using the methods you’ll learn in The 2 Week Diet. this: s i d n i m n is unable i y d p o e b e r k u ing to hydrates you eat, yo As long as you h t d o o g A of carbo t. And… gram thing it ams of fa y r r e g v y e n For every a g n i m r r). At least that ody is sto e t b t a t r a n u f r o u u y o b , y s o e t s (making bohydrat l r l a e c c t g ossible a n p f i t r m a i u t o i y g o are e n t i …right in s are mak d e e t e a r n d t ’ y n h s o doe hose carb t , e m i t e ody fat. the sam b d e r o t s burn for you to Keep in mind that your body is in constant need of energy—it needs energy whether you are out for a morning jog, cooking dinner, sitting on the sofa watching television or lying in bed sleeping. While we tend to think we only need energy when we are physically exerting ourselves, we need to keep in mind that there is a lot our bodies are doing “behind the scenes” even while we sleep. The fact is, our bodies are at work 24/7 to keep us healthy and functioning. And because of that, the body needs to fuel its work on a non-stop basis for as long as we live. Another thing to keep in mind is that YOU can make a decision to have your body running on carbohydrates or have it running on fat. On The 2 Week Diet, we will shift from carbohydrate burning to high-octane fat burning instead. Contrary to popular belief, fat flows in an out of your fat cells (in the form of fatty acids), on a continuous basis throughout the day, making itself available to be used for energy. The problem is…this fat cannot and will not be used for energy unless your insulin levels are way down. Insulin, however, will not be down so long as you’re eating carbohydrates. Now, when you eat three meals per day and everything is working properly, your body will become fatter after eating a carbohydrate-rich meal and then, leaner in between meals after all the carbohydrates have been burned and the body begins to burn fat because it has run out of carbohydrates. The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 30