The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 22
Now, the last thing I could ever be called
is a “conspiracy theorist” but you might
think otherwise after reading what I have
to say about the USDA Food Pyramid. I’m
certainly not trying to turn this diet into a
political debate, but the fact is, the USDA
plays an important role in the economy of
our country. And what goes into the food
pyramid will, in turn, dictate how much
money we spend on certain food products.
Take a look at the USDA Food Pyramid
that has shaped the way most Americans
eat over the past few decades. As you can
see, our own government recommends we
get over 2/3 of our daily nutrition from
carbohydrate laden foods (bread, rice,
pasta, fruits and vegetables) and only
about 20% of our food from protein
sources—the primary nutrient that
keeps us alive! It’s no wonder
that nearly 50% of the US
population is considered to
be overweight!
The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook