The Two Week Diet PDF / eBook: Brian Flatt's System Free Download | Page 21
Although carbohydrates are the most common source of energy in humans, the
simple fact is, there is not a single carbohydrate that is essential to human life.
Carbohydrates are classified into two types: Simple & Complex.
Simple carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. Simple sugars are those
found in refined sugars (and the foods they are made with like cookies, candies, etc)
but also in food like fruit and milk.
Complex carbohydrates are known as starches. Starches include grain products
such as cereals, bread, pasta, crackers and rice. Like simple carbohydrates, complex
carbohydrates can be refined or left unrefined. Refined carbohydrates are considered
to be less healthy as the refining process strips away much of the vitamins, protein
and fiber. Unrefined carbohydrates cause less of an insulin spike, and because of
that they are considered to be the healthiest of the carbohydrates.
Regardless of whether the carbohydrates are simple or complex, both of them cause
spikes in blood sugar. As you will see shortly, these spikes in blood sugar are the #1
cause of unwanted body fat.
The 2 Week Diet - Launch Handbook