The Truth Anyhow June 2013 | Page 2

Inspiring the World One Soul at a Time-Apostle Eddie L . Johnson III

New Pastor Spotlight

We are living now in the age of technology . God is using a more younger generation to reach the masses . Church services with the spirit of God moving and operation . Any young leader would be remiss to dismiss the generals that came before us . Now God is raising up an army that is young , strong and has tenacity . Apostle Eddie L . Johnson is one such leader that God is raising up in such a time as this .
Apostle Eddie “ Soul Winner ” Johnson III
There is a stigma going on in the body of Christ by leadership , governing bodies and denominations stating you have to be a certain age to Pastor . You have to be a certain age to teach . You have to be a certain age to even minister . Of course religion will say you have to be tried . You have to be proven . However , our relationship , trust and faith in God is what will qualify . In Acts God had to tell Peter that he was no respecter of persons . ( Acts 10:34 ) Also if age was a factor to God he would have never state that he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh . ( Joel 2:28 , Acts 2:17 )
Apostle Eddie L . Johnson III is no stranger to ministry or to the Lord . He accepted Christ at a young age . Born and raised in the church he is also no stranger to the functions of the church or church leadership . He entered the ministry at 8 years old and has been a youth leader by the age of 13 . He has been pastoring Inspired Souls Praise and Worship Center in St . Louis , Mo for one year . His congregation is a mixture of both the young and the old . A wise soul and mature beyond his 25 years Apostle Johnson is a leader after Gods own heart , that will not back down and will see anything to the end .
On any given meeting you will see him going in and out among the people . Apostle Johnson is touchable , approachable and transparent . A breath of fresh air in St . Louis .
Ageism has been an issue in the body of Christ . It is sort of discrimination towards people that are young . In the world ageism is discrimination to the older generation . The in the church the saying is the older you are the wiser you are . I know we have all experienced an old fool . So age in this sense the older the age the more mature you are .
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Inspiring the World One Soul at a Time-Apostle Eddie L . Johnson III

Contact Apostle Johnson http :// www . wix . com / ispawc / ispwc