Winchester Match: on Saturday 15 th
June 2019 a damp and windy morning
failed to stem the enthusiasm with
which guests, following a magnificent
service in Chapel, listened to
the Headmaster announcing the
commencement of the Kingsgate Park
project, the redevelopment of the PE
Centre. Many, including members
of Don Soc for the first time, then
Outgoing Warden and Andrew Joy
The Trusty Servant
repaired to the shelter and warmth
of the Win Coll Soc marquee. There
they were welcomed by Charles
Sinclair, outgoing Warden, and had
an opportunity to meet his successor
Sir Richard Stagg. Some cricket was
played as drier conditions prevailed
after lunch – Lords beat OWCC by 9
wickets; 2nd XI tied, 183 per side.
Richard and Jane Pepys
Incoming Warden Vicky and David Rutherford
Roger and Carol Allan
David Anderson and Arabella Stagg Tamara Templer and John Galpin
David Hunter
College 20-years-on reunion. Nick
Walter (Coll, 94-99) reports: On Sunday,
21 st July, ten of the 14 members of
the College Roll of ‘94 gathered for
a 20-year school-leaving reunion at
the house of Christopher and Emily
Reeve in Hampshire. Guests came
from around England, New York and
California. Grace was not said and
a hot was not held, but a wonderful
time was had by all. Special thanks
to James Thomas for organising and
Chris Reeve for hosting. Attendees
were Piers Cox, Josie Grounds,
Kenneth Morton, David O’Malley,
Matthew Parfitt, David Proudman,
Christopher Reeve, James Thomas,
Nicholas Walter and Adam Walton.
Goddard Day: on Saturday 14 th
September, with the sun as ever
shining down on the assembled
company, 120 members of the
Goddard Legacy Society listened to
the Headmaster’s address in Chapel
on HAL Fisher, followed by an
excellent lunch in New Hall. Warden
Sir Richard Stagg spoke for the first
time to this gathering, with a reply by
Commander John Galpin.
HM with Peter and Vanessa Davis
Catering Team