The Trusty Servant Nov 2017 No. 124 | Page 38

No . 124
The Trusty Servant
War Cloister Angel Gate
The bronze guardian angels on War Cloister gates were created by Arthur Morgan ( Director of Art School , 80 – 04 ) in 1998 to replace the originals which had been stolen sometime in the 1960s . The originals had been designed by Reginald Gleadowe ( Coll , 1901-07 ; Drawing Master , 23 – 44 ) for the newly completed War Cloister by Herbert Baker . When Arthur Morgan was commissioned for the new pair of angels , he was presented with a rather fuzzy photograph of a quality that might appear in a newspaper about a missing person . As the only record available , this allowed him the freedom to create his own vision of a guardian angel , though he did respect the spirit of the original design . For reasons he cannot recall , he did not take a cast for himself at the time and then it was discovered his moulds had been lost by the foundry . By courtesy of Win Coll he has very recently had new moulds made so that he can at last have an angel of his own . Casts can now be made to order at £ 3,250 , with 20 % going towards War Cloister . OWs interested should contact Arthur Morgan direct : artmor9 @ yahoo . co . uk
Ridgway affair
Go Bo has agreed to allow a wider distribution of John Dancy ’ s report on The affair of the dismissal of Robin Ridgway , which will be made available in hard copy upon request to Win Coll Soc . The report is in effect a supplement to John ’ s biography of Walter Oakeshott .
Oxford Regius Professors of Greek
On 15 th February , Christopher Pelling , Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford 2003-15 , gave an informal talk about the history of this post , which has been held by four Wykehamists ( more than any other school ) since it was established in 1541 . He described them , and some of the many other eccentric and entertaining scholars who have held it , with a delightful mix of humour and scholarship . The Headmaster has commissioned a handsome illustrated booklet of the text of his talk , copies of which can be obtained from Win Coll Soc .
Treasury Annual Ticket
The new annual ticket for Treasury provides an unlimited number of visits to the museum for one year from the date of purchase , which means you can drop in at any time during our normal opening hours . Be the first to see our constantly changing programme of special exhibitions , chat to the Curator and support the unique collections for future generations .
Annual tickets cost £ 20 for an individual ticket and £ 25 for a joint ticket . Your ticket includes a copy of the beautifully produced Treasury guidebook .
Tickets can be obtained via the Treasury website . www . treasury . winchestercollege . org . Your ticket and guidebook will be sent to you or your chosen recipient within seven days . Application forms can also be obtained from our box office partners Kingsgate Books and Prints , Kingsgate Arch , College Street , Winchester . If you have any queries please contact the Curator , Rachel Wragg , on 01962 814638 .
You can pre-order your game using the online form which can be found on our website ( www . winchestercollege . org / home ) in the Community section charities committee . The production of this game is subject to meeting the minimum pre-order quantity .