The Trusty Servant May 2020 Issue 129 | Page 30

No.129 The Trusty Servant Commonwealth Fellowship, Cornell and Princeton 1947-9; Warren Research Fellowship, Birmingham University 1949; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Cornell 1951‑53; FRS 1952; Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton from 1953; member National Academy of Sciences (USA) 1964; Lorenz Medal, Royal Netherlands Academy 1966; Hughes Medal, Royal Society 1968; Max Planck Medal, German Physical Soc 1969; Hon Fellow Trinity College since 1989; received Ad Portas 2011; author of Disturbing the Universe 1979; Weapons and Hope 1984; Origins of Life 1986; Infinite in All Directions 1988. Enrico Fermi Award, 1993; Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion 2000. Watch freeman.dyson to see him being interviewed about his life. Married (1) 1950 Verena Huber, divorced 1958; (2) 1958 Imme Jung, who survives him, together with a son and daughter from his first marriage and 4 daughters from his second marriage. Obituaries in The Times, The Telegraph, Guardian; see article above. wrote ski guides to Alpine resorts, selling over 200,000 copies, an astonishing number. A devout Christian. Married 1975 Ann McCaig. John Robert Tillard (D, 37-42): died 16.12.2019. Brother of PBT. Co Prae, Head of House, Lords, Soccer XI and VI 1941-2; Trinity College Oxon 1947- 9, 3 History, BA, MA, OU Soccer XI 1947-8, Relay Team; Army Soccer XI 1947-8 and Cricket XI 1949-50; Sussex 2 nd XI; KRRC 1942; Stick of Honour; 2 Lt 1943; NW Europe 1944-5 (wounded, mentioned in despatches); Libya 1946, Palestine 1947; Capt, Adjt, Queen’s Westminster Rifles; Staff Coll 1953 and Military College of Science; on staff of CIGS, War Office, 1955-7, during the Suez Crisis; he retired in 1958. He briefly worked at Grosvenor Estates and Clark’s Shoes, but was not cut out to work in large organisations; secretary Ski Club of Great Britain and then ran his own agency Jobs in the Alps 1972-94 and Sir Christopher John Audland (H, 39-44); died 29.12.2019. Son of EGA, brother of GMA, father of WGA. RA 1944-8, UK, Middle East and Greece, 2 Lt 1945, Capt 1947; HM Diplomatic Service 1948-73, principal UK negotiator at the Bonn Convention which established independence of Federal Republic of Germany 1949-52, Strasbourg 1952- 55, Washington 1955-8, FO 1958-61, UK Delegate for Heath Negotiations on UK entry to EEC, Brussels 1961- 63, Head of Chancery, Buenos Aires 1963-7 and FCO, London 1967-70, Head of Chancery and principal UK participant in negotiations between the three Allied Powers and Russians leading to Berlin Agreements of 1971 and 1972, Bonn 1970-73; Deputy Secretary-General of John Edmond Hindley (Coll, 38-43): died 26.12.2019. Scholar Trinity College Oxford 1943; School of Oriental and African Studies to learn Turkish and Arabic. Intelligence Corps, MEF 1943-7 where his duties included patrolling the Canal Zone on a motorbike; Trinity College 1948, Cl Mods; St Mary’s Teacher Training, Twickenham, 1954-56; William Blake School, Battersea 1956-59, Classics Teacher, St George’s College Weybridge 1959-74; Birkbeck College London, 1 Latin with Greek 1962; Moved to Cornwall in 1974, becoming Classics Teacher, St Austell VIth Form College 1974-86. A naturally-gifted teacher, always fully engaged with his subject and his pupils. He inspired many to go on to fulfil their potential. Married 1955 Daphne Salisbury, who survives him together with their 7 children. 30 European Commission 1973-81 and Director-General for Energy 1981‑6; KCMG 1987; Special Adviser to EC Commissioners on International Energy and Nuclear Relations 1986-9 and to House of Lords Select Committee on EC affairs 1987-8; Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Law, and Visiting Lecturer on European Institutions at Edinburgh University 1986-90; Council of Lancaster University,1988-90, pro-chancellor 1990-7. NW Regional Committee Nat Trust and Lake District National Park Authority 1989-95; founder trustee, Ruskin Foundation 1994- 2001; co-founder of European Opera Centre, Liverpool 1996; DL Cumbria 1996-2006. Author of Right Place, Right Time 2004 and Jenny: The Life and Times of a Victorian Lady, 2008. Lived in a Cumbria house that his family had held for 450 years and skied in the Alps into his late 80s. Married 1955 Maura Sullivan, who survives him together with their 2 sons and a daughter. Obituary in The Times. Charles Evan Bruce-Gardyne (H, 40-45): died 22.10.2019. Brother of JB-G, father of EDB-G and HACB-G. RNVR 1945-8, Sub Lt, clearing mines from around the coast of Scotland. Magdalen College Oxon, 2 Hist, BA 1950 studying under AJP Taylor; Edin University, Law, LLB 1954; Writer to the Signet; practising solicitor 1955; for 70 years also farmed at Middleton following 13 generations of his forebears, a place that was core to him, with its estate and local community in Angus, together with his church, St John’s Forfar. He was the 5 th longest-serving member Queen’s Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers). Married 1966, Dorothy Blair-Imrie who survives him together with their 2 sons and a daughter.