Archbishops’ Commission on
Christian Doctrine 1967-76; Lichfield
Commission on Divorce and
Remarriage 1975‑78;
President, British Society for the
Philosophy of Science 1991-93;
FBA 1988; received Ad Portas 2011;
Gifford Lectures, Edinburgh 1971-73
(jointly with HC Longuet-Higgins
(Coll, 1935-41), AJP Kenny and
CDH Waddington), published as
The Nature of Mind (1972) and The
Development of Mind (1973); author
of 17 other books and numerous
publications on philosophy, politics,
economics, mathematics, theology
and related topics. A keen supporter
of non-means-tested scholarships,
he delighted us with donations,
increasing by a multiple of the
number of years since his election,
with accompanying letters addressed
to ‘Dear William’ (of Wykeham).
Unconstrained by convention, he was
a fervent and prescient campaigner
for the environment, including
opposing the proposal to build the
M3 through Meads. Married 1961
Morar Portal, who survives him
with their 2 sons and 2 daughters.
Obituary in The Times.
Simon Flower Every (B, 43-47):
died 14.12.2019. Son of CEE, father
of JEE, grandfather of FJ Pattisson.
2 Lt RA 1948, serving in Malta;
Trinity College Cambridge 1949,
2 Hist, 2 Law 1952, MA 1957;
ACA 1956, FCA. Joined a water
treatment company Permutit Co,
director 1965; Portals Holdings plc
1971, group finance director 1976;
retired 1991. He used his skills
and training in accountancy to
contribute to many organisations
and establishments: as a governor
at Park House which later became
Peper Harrow, a school for troubled
adolescents set up by the charity,
Childhood First; on retirement he
joined le a care home organisation,
The Trusty Servant
The Brendoncare Foundation, as a
trustee and chairman of the finance
committee. He enjoyed many walking
holidays with groups in Europe,
pilgrimages to ancient sites around
the Mediterranean and retreats with
the church in the Lake District. It
was however in his garden where
he found greatest peace. Married
1956 Diana Howard-Mercer, who
predeceased him and he is survived
by 2 daughters and a son.
Mark Percy Owen Morford
(Coll, 42-48): died 14.10.2019. Aulae
Prae 1947-8, Moore-Stevens Prize
1947, VI 1945-7 (Capt); Scholar
Trinity College Oxon 1948, 2 Cl
Mod, 2 Lit Hum, BA 1952, Organ
Scholar 1950-2; Birkbeck College,
London, PhD Classics 1963; assistant
master, Tonbridge School 1952-9;
Head of Classics, Lancing College
1960-63; Ohio State University 1963,
professor 1969, chairman, Dept of
Classics 1968-80; Visiting Scholar in
Residence, Corpus Christi College,
Cambridge 1977; President, Classical
Association of Middle West and
South (CAMWS) 1981-2; professor
of Classics, University of Virginia
1984-98; director, later vice-president,
American Philogical Association
1984-9; author of The Poet Lucan 1967;
Classical Mythology 1970; Persius 1984;
Stoics and NeoStoics 1989; The Roman
Philosophers 2002. An accomplished
pianist and cellist, he was also
an amateur musicologist, writing
frequent reviews of local concerts.
Married 1958 Martha Woodbury
Dunn who died in 1993; (2) 2001 Joan
Steidler who died in 2013. Survived
by 2 sons and a daughter from his
first marriage.
John Buckby Bryson (C, 43-47):
died 10.3.2020. Brother of JHB, father
of JRBB, cousin of JLB. Joined Spence
Bryson Ltd, Belfast 1948, director
1957, chairman and chief-executive
1971-89. Governor, Richmond Lodge
Girls School, Belfast 1966-80; member
Board of Management, Queen’s
University Centre for the Arts
1970-99; Governor, City of Belfast
School of Music 1972-3; Orchestra
Committee of N Ireland Arts Council
1972-80; director, Local Enterprise
Development Unit 1973-84; member,
General Advisory Council, BBC
1980-86; Council of CBI, N Ireland
1982-9; Central Council of Irish
Linen Industry: member 1983-8,
chairman 1988-9; Board Member
Ulster Independent Clinic 1990-2010;
National Trust for NI, Regional
Committee Member 1991-9, Deputy
Chairman 1994-9; President, Belfast
Music Society 1994-2010; DL, County
Borough of Belfast 1987-2004. His
service to the worlds of business
and the arts was sustained and
distinguished. He was a keen and very
good shot; an accomplished cellist
and pianist; and played in numerous
ensembles and orchestras over the
years in his spare time. Married
1957 Rose Montgomery Young,
who survives him, together with 2
daughters and a son.
Gilbert Andrew (Sandy) Common
(D, 44-48); died 22.3.2020. Uncle of
TWF Chrisp and AHRC. National
Service with RA 1949, 2Lt 1950;
Wadham College Oxon 1951, 2
PPE 1954, MA 1955; Common
Brothers plc 1956, director 1958, joint
managing director 1969, retired 1985.
As a ship owner, his job involved
a lot of foreign travel to exotic
locations and frequent trips to New
York, travelling on Concorde. Once,
he was invited to a dinner party with
most of the Nepalese government;
unfortunately, the guest of honour
was delayed and everyone got tight
before he arrived. Farming in Glen
Lyon, Perthshire 1982-94, his happiest
time was during lambing. A keen
horseman, he rode in a number of
point to points, team chases and hunt