The Trusty Servant
Chris Minter (Coll, 46-51) plans to
launch his memoirs Peace and War this
John Wright
(H, 47-52) has
written two
more books:
The Road to
Jerusalem and
Waiting on God.
The Branch Press. Politics
Pride Branch press cover_Layout 1 20/05/2019 16:40 Page 1
‘One of the stresses of modern living is that we expect to get what we want almost
immediately. When things don’t happen quickly it builds tension which is not good for us.
The message of waiting has always been needed, but today more than ever. This little book
is very quick to read, but the wisdom from God that it contains needs to be taken in.
It is worth its weight in gold!’
Rev. Canon Madeline Light
Vicar of St Stephen’s, Norwich.
NICHOLAS RICHARDSON was born Autogiro Pioneer is a vivid account of
in 1940. He was educated at Winchester the varied life and adventures of Jack
College and Magdalen College, Oxford. Richardson (1899–1987), based on his
From 1968 to 2004, he taught Classics memoirs, which have been edited by his
(ancient Greek and Latin literature) at son. In the 1930s, he worked for Juan de
Merton College, Oxford, and from 2004 to la Cierva, the inventor of the Autogiro (the
forerunner of the helicopter) and was the
Oxford. His previous publications include first person to obtain a commercial pilot’s
books and articles on ancient Greek and licence as an Autogiro pilot. This work
Roman literature, religion and culture, involved (among other activities) several
and modern Greek poetry. He used to be hazardous flights across Europe in all
a keen skier and still plays real tennis. kinds of weather. In 1944, he learnt how
UK £25.00 | USA $35.00
ISBN-13: 978-1-78155-742-6
CB E-book available on:
Kindle Store, iBookstore,
Kobo, GooglePlay
Connect with us:
John Wright
trained helicopter pilot in the British Army.
In his later career with the Army and
Westland Aircraft, he helped to develop
the military and commercial uses of the
helicopter, played a major role in the
construction of the heliport at Battersea,
and was chairman of The Helicopter
Association. As a young man, he had been
Notes from the book by
Introduction by Dr Ralph Townsend
to fly the new Sikorsky helicopters in the
United States and became the first fully
Headmaster of Winchester College
Andrew Murray
With an Article by
Scott Hubbard
NR14 7DZ
TEL: 00 44 (0)1508 494366
FAX: 00 44 (0)1508 495115
E-mail: [email protected]
a cavalry officer in the Ninth Lancers and
The hard-back edition
of Well-Kept Secrets, The Story of
William Wordsworth by his descendant
Andrew Wordsworth (C, 69-73) has
finally arrived. At once intimate
and learned, this is a compelling
reassessment of
Wordsworth’s life
and work. Andrew
Wordsworth has
spent a lifetime
studying his restless
ancestor – his
contradictions and
passions which
meant that he passed his days in
a whirr of continual movement.
He manages to pin him down with
unusual confidence and freshness,
so that we are led into a better
understanding, not only of the
circumstances in which his poetry
was wrought, but the consequences
of following the instincts of nature.
Pallas Athene, £24.95.
ISBN: 978-1843681946
for seven years a successful orange farmer
in South Africa. He was a keen racing
skier and amateur painter. This volume is
illustrated with almost 100 pictures that
document Jack Richardson’s incredible life.
UK £25.00 | USA $35.00
“At once intimate and learned, this is a compelling reassess-
ment of Wordsworth’s life and work. Andrew Wordsworth, a
descendant, has spent a lifetime studying his restless ancestor
– his contradictions and passions which meant that he passed
his days in a whirr of continual movement. He manages to
pin him down with unusual confi dence and freshness, so that
we are led into a better understanding, not only of the cir-
cumstances in which his poetry was wrought, but the conse-
quences of following the instincts of nature.”
—Nicholas Shakespeare
Christopher Terrington (E, 60-64) writes:
A good sign of the recovery of the
economy in Greece is a resurgence of
interest in the writings of my father
CM Woodhouse (Coll, 30-35). He
commanded the Greek Guerrilla
forces 1942-1945 for SOE and wrote
extensively on Greek
history and politics
thereafter. In the last
two years, most of
the books have been
re-published in new
Greek translations:
Apple of Discord
(1948), Greek War
The Rt. Rev Gavin Reid
Former Bishop of Maidstone and Chairman of Mission England.
2007, he was warden of Greyfriars Hall in
‘John Wright has given us a profoundly helpful summary of a book on a subject that
people like me need to take to heart. As Christians we can easily be caught up in the “I
want it now” spirit of our times. Again and again in the Bible we have this call to wait, not
as passive resignation, but as an anticipation that God will do new things’.
Richardson (Coll,
53-58) has recently
produced two books:
Prudentius’ Hymns for
Hours and Seasons:
Liber Cathemerinon.
faithfulness to the
Latin with sensitivity to Prudentius’
poetic qualities, Nicholas Richardson
offers a precise yet creative verse
translation of a major work by one of
the most important Christian Latin
poets of late antiquity. Routledge,
2016; ISBN 978 0415716642.
Also, Autogiro Pioneer: the Life of Jack
Richardson, a vivid
account of the varied
life and adventures
of Jack Richardson
(1899-1987). In the
1930s, he worked for
Juan de la Cierva,
the inventor of
the Autogiro (the
forerunner of the
helicopter), and was the first person
to obtain a commercial pilot’s licence
as an Autogiro pilot. The book is
illustrated with 100 pictures, of which
18 are in colour. Fonthill Media, 2019;
ISBN 978-1781557426.
of Independence
(1952), Battle of
Navarino (1965), The
Philhellenes (1969),
Something Ventured
- autobiography
(1982), and Rise and
Fall of the Greek
Colonels (1985).
His monumental translation of
The History of the European Spirit by
Panayiotis Kanellopoulos from Greek
into English remains unpublished,
but the MSS is in the library of Kings
College, London. This is a work in 11
volumes exploring the cultural history
of Europe from Augustus to Karl
The Road to Jerusalem
Th e story of William Wordsworth
Cover: Portrait of William Wordsworth at the age of 28, by William Shuter (1798)
The earliest known portrait of Wordsworth. Courtesy Cornell University
A compelling reassessment of Wordsworth’s life
Nicholas Shakespeare
Paul Elkington (K, 83-87), Professor
of Respiratory Medicine at the
University of Southampton, has
recently been the subject of much
media attention. His team has
designed the PeRSo device which
consists of a fabric hood with a plastic
visor to protect the face against
COVID-19 infection. It delivers
clean air through a High Efficiency
Particulate Air (Hepa) Filter using
a fan mounted on the wearer’s
belt. Staff at University Hospital
Southampton have begun wearing
the equipment, which was developed
from a prototype created in less than
a week.
Korn Chatikavanij
(D, 78-82) in
February 2020
formed a new Thai
political party
called Kla, meaning
‘bravery’ or ‘daring’,
having previously
been a member of the Democrat
Party, in whose government he was
Finance Minister, 2008-11.
David Jenkins (C, 60-65) reports: OWTC
is playing a vital role in keeping the
community fit, with members invited
to do at least one weekly 5km run.
The club currently reports the largest
number of entrants of any team in
this exponentially growing event.
Apply to him at [email protected]
to find out how to enter each week
on a Google doc. You can in addition
also record using Strava. And,
furthermore, the abbreviation should
really stand for ‘Orll’ Wykehamist
Tolling Club as current and past
alumni and staff and their families
may join. Login to Strava and apply
to join OWTC.