The Trusty Servant May 2016 No.121 | Page 31

NO.121 reply form enclosed with this issue, giving full details about the day; alternatively, please register and pay on the Win Coll Soc website: Visiting Win Coll – security arrangements OWs and Don Soc members are always most welcome, but we have been asked by the Security Committee to remind those who wish to visit the School (other than for an event, when the instructions issued may be different, or when visiting as a spectator at matches) that they must contact the porters in advance of their planned visit: 01962 621227 or [email protected]. They should arrive at the Porters’ Lodge and not enter by any other gate and will be asked to produce identification and sign the OW or Don Soc Visitors books; they will be issued with a visitor’s badge and lanyard, to be worn conspicuously during their visit, please, and returned as they leave through the same gate. They will also be given a map showing the areas of the School that may be visited. Unfortunately times have changed: Safeguarding and Child Protection regulations become ever tighter and OWs and ex-staff are no longer allowed to come and go at will. T H E T R U S T Y S E RVA N T Formal tours can be arranged through the Enterprises Office: [email protected] Win Coll Soc Events November 2015 to April 2016 OW Parliamentarian Dinner: on Wednesday, 4th November and with Viscount Younger of Leckie (F, 69-74) in the chair, eight OW peers and four OW MPs hosted a dinner in the Attlee Room in the House of Lords for the Warden, Headmaster and six VI Book 1 men. The Rt Hon John Whittingdale (A, 73-77), Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, addressed the assembled gathering and there then ensued a debate about the usefulness of a Wykehamical education as a basis for future public service. OW Boodle’s Club Members Dinner: on Tuesday, 17th November, 35 OW members of Boodle’s of all ages were welcomed by Club Chairman Ricky Roundell (F, 57-62) and sat down to an excellent dinner. The Warden, Charles Sinclair (B, 61-66), brought members up to date with the state of the School. and Navy Club for a merry evening of food and wine. There were very strong turn-outs from Kenny’s, Trant’s and College. The speech on behalf of the School was given by Laurence Guymer (Co Ro). This proved to be a hilarious account of ‘a day in the life of a don in term time’. Judging from the raucous laughter, his insights into the comings and goings of Flint Court touched many a raw nerve! We’ll do it all again next year same place, different speaker at the end of January. Conrad Griffin Under-25s Dinner: on Friday, 29th January, 50 OWs gathered at the Army Ben Menzies-Wilson and Szevak Nzsdejan 31