The True Mehdi Issue 01 - January | Page 7

According to their beliefs , in the end times , a final battle will take place between them and their ‘ Roman enemies ’ in the city of Dabiq or al-Amaq , Syria , which they will win . ISIS have taken ‘ Roman enemies ’ to mean the United States of America , Europe , Australia , Canada and all other Western countries .
In other words , to expedite the apocalypse and therefore their rise to power , ISIS are making every effort to bring about a global war . They believe that by forcing the West into a third world war , they will eventually draw Western forces into Dabiq or al-Amaq and emerge victorious under the leadership of their end times caliph .
It is important to note that the prophecy in question is found in the ‘ Sahih-Muslim ’ collection of Prophet Mohammad ’ s oral traditions . Sahih-Muslim is a curation that has been repeatedly revised throughout history , without any established Islamic hierarchy to supervise it . Therefore the authenticity of this particular saying of Prophet Mohammad used by ISIS is questionable .
Interestingly enough , a foretelling of Prophet Mohammad also suggests that the Antichrist ( Dajjal ) would emerge from among the Muslims . Prophet Mohammad said , ‘ 70 000 Muslim scholars would pledge allegiance to the Antichrist .’ [ Sharah Al Sunnah - Mishkaat Shareef - Series 3 ]
You need only look at the actions of followers of the Wahhabi school of thought to know that they are in league with the Antichrist . No other religious group in recorded history has ever exhibited such cruel disregard for human life on a global scale .
Many people believe their concocted concept because the Wahhabis project half-truths ; the concept of Caliphate ( Khilafah ) is based on prophecies of the Prophet Mohammad , but with modification .
The Muslims influenced by the Wahhabi , Salafi and Deobandi schools of thought proudly declare that their end times caliph would forcibly convert the entire mankind into Muslims and kill those who resist . Food for thought : when the Prophet Mohammad did not convert anyone beyond the Arab region to Islam , how can anyone else be expected to do so ? Islam is a religion that was tailor-made for the Arabs .


Unlike Christianity , Islam has never had a hierarchy recognised by the majority of Muslims or chosen by the Prophet Mohammad . While early Christians trusted the Vatican to collect and validate the alleged sayings of Lord Jesus Christ , Muslims were subject to divisions almost as soon as Prophet Mohammad departed from the world .
During his final days on Earth , Prophet Mohammad wanted to advise his followers on who would be his successor . When he began to speak , one of the most infamous Muslims of that era , Umar bin Khattab , tried to stop him . Umar told Muslims to ignore what Prophet Mohammad was saying , claiming that Prophet Mohammad ’ s high fever was causing him to speak nonsense . He then drew his sword to fight the Companions of Prophet Mohammad who disagreed . The consequence was that Prophet Mohammad did not issue any instructions on who would guide the Muslims after him . The greatest civil war in Islamic history , which resulted in the slaughtering of Prophet Mohammad ’ s family , was over who would be the next ruler of the Muslims .
The Koran ( the holiest scripture in Islam ) was collected well after Prophet Mohammad ’ s departure . The manuscripts created by individual Companions of Prophet Mohammad differed . The final version of the Koran that we see today was not chosen by consensus , but rather by force ; Umar bin Khattab burned the versions of the Koran that Ali and Salman Farsi had each collected , since theirs were different from his .
It has been over 1400 years since Prophet Mohammad founded Islam ; over time he has been misquoted and his statements have been misrepresented by different sects .
In the past , Muslim rulers such as Harun al-Rashid and his son , al-Amin ( who were the monarchs of the Abbasid Caliphate ) offered money to their subjects who could provide traditions of the Prophet Mohammad to the royal library . They contributed to the collection of misquotations since many of the Prophetic Traditions they received were fabricated by people greedy for the monetary reward .
The fact that there has never been an authoritative body recognised by all Muslims to authenticate the sayings of Prophet Mohammad means that many statements attributed to the Prophet Mohammad today are actually misquotations .
THE TRUE MEHDI 01 / JAN 2017 7