The Trial Lawyer - The A-List 2024 | Page 15

The big guns come out when law firms decide it ’ s time for a branded ad . Why go down this path ? It ’ s simple . You ’ re aiming to create an ad that ’ s memorable , engaging , entertaining , and well-branded — one that sticks in people ’ s minds . Remembering the ad is crucial ! This level of engagement is vital . Speaking at several conferences a year , I constantly hammer home the point that while viewers in your market might not need you right now , there will come a time when a good number of them will , and you want to make sure it ’ s you they think of first . Leo Burnett , the legendary ad man from Leo Burnett Company Inc ., known for iconic campaigns like Tony the Tiger , Marlboro Man , and Maytag Repair Man , once said , “ I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people , but that of boring them to death .”
A disinterested or bored viewer won ’ t remember you and might even resent you . The new breed of ads we ’ re seeing more of are catchy , personable , endearing , entertaining , and make you want to like the lawyer or law firm represented . This isn ’ t easy , but a good story and a lawyer willing to take some risks can see significant benefits . Law firms leveraging high-end , branded ads are noticing upticks in organic search , referral growth , and higher caliber case types in their markets . They ’ re redefining practice areas and finding that while you can ’ t always win the inventory battle , there ’ s immense power in exceptional and cost-effective content . If your funds are finite , we believe you should invest in content first and inventory second . It ’ s a balance , but some firms can ’ t afford to spend millions every quarter . However , that doesn ’ t mean they should give up and disappear from TV or settle for an ad that just fills space .
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