As the sun peeked over Miami ’ s skyline , day two began with “ Pilates with Jenn ,” where attendees stretched and networked alongside wellness expert Jenn O ’ Mara . Energized , we gathered for a delightful breakfast , thoughtfully sponsored by Lawyer . com , buzzing with conversations and fresh connections .
The day unfolded with compelling sessions . In the Business of Law track , Harlan Schillinger ’ s welcoming address preceded a deep dive into “ Grassroots Legal Marketing ” with Randy Nordstrom , Christian Morris , Paul Hernandez , and more , illuminating effective community engagement strategies . The Courtroom Playbook track , helmed by Sara Papantonio , captivated us with insights into mass tort litigation , featuring the expertise of many speakers , including Mike Papantonio and Brian Barr .
A notable event was the Women ’ s Leadership Forum . Kim Dougherty , Marjorie Mesidor , and Michelle Tuegel led profound discussions on secondary trauma and the nuances of traumainformed legal practice — a testament to the evolving landscape of legal professionalism and empathy .
The afternoon was packed with diverse sessions , including “ Law Firm Culture Wins Every Time ,” with a panel featuring Ryan McKeen , Bill Biggs , Dara Hegar , and more . But the pinnacle event was the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon , graciously sponsored by Drive Digital Advertising LLC . With the legacy induction of the late Ted Koskoff into the Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame , the luncheon was not just a meal but a celebration of legal excellence and inspiration . Keynote speaker Al Franken captivated the audience with humor , leading to laughter-filled moments and concluding with a well-deserved standing ovation . We learned about the issues plaguing The United States from the perspective of a former US Senator . He shed light on the injustice our country is facing , especially in the court system . This luncheon transcended a mere meal , celebrating the highest levels of legal achievement .
As evening approached ,
laughter echoed through the halls with comedian Trae Crowder ’ s performance , an event made unforgettable by the collective sponsorship of Beasley Allen , Burg Simpson , The Lanier Law Firm , Levin Papantonio Rafferty , O ’ Mara Law Group , and Romano Law Group . The day wrapped up with the prestigious Golden Gavel Awards , presented by The A-List and proudly sponsored by Ten Golden Rules . The Golden Gavel Awards are a testament to creative excellence in legal advertising and recognize outstanding achievements across various legal marketing categories . Winners included Bivona Law for Best 15-Second TV Ad , White Law , PLLC for Best Brand Video , Domnick Cunningham & Yaffa for Best Client Testimonial , and many other deserving awardees . Vickie Roberts with Fox Animated Engineering said the Golden Gavel Awards were her favorite event this year ! This blend of education , wellness , networking , and recognition on day two encapsulated the essence of the Summit — a convergence of legal minds in pursuit of growth , innovation , and camaraderie .