The Trend Volume I | Page 6


Have you ever been in the bathroom taking a number two? Have you ever been in the process of cleaning your self and you’re off brand toilet paper rips in your hands. If you have not experienced this, you are one of the lucky few. If it hasn’t happened to you I would make sure it never does. To make sure, you need the right toilet paper. One that is soft as silk and as strong as cardboard. If you think that is impossible, you are wrong.

Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper is the perfect toilet paper for all human beings. Unlike other leading brands, Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper is made with virgin wood fibers and seasoned cotton. This makes it very soft yet strong enough to withstand the toughest jobs. Get Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper today, it is like no other toilet paper.