the torch Winter 2015, Issue 4 | Page 10

16th annual Celebrating Women Joan Lunden shares powerful message of perseverance and hope O n October 15, Baylor Health Care System F o u n d a t i o n celebrated the 16th annual Celebrating Women luncheon. The 2015 luncheon, presented by Tom Thumb for the 11th consecut i v e y e a r, r a i s e d n e a r l y $2 million to benefit Baylor Health Care System’s fight against breast cancer. Since the first Celebrating Women luncheon in 2000, nearly $26 million has been raised to support Baylor’s fight against breast cancer. Donations to Celebrating Women have supported advanced diagnostic equipment, innovative clinical research, and most importantly, safe, quality, compassionate care for Baylor’s patients and families. This year’s event was chaired by Nancy Carter with Vicky Lattner and Beth Layton serving as this year’s underwriting chairmen. Lisa and 10 Kenny Troutt served as honorary chairmen. The keynote address, delivered by breast cancer survivor and former host of Good Morning America, Joan Lunden, was heard by the approximately 1,300 men and women in attendance. “I had an aggressive fast-growing tumor inside my right breast. I approached my battle against breast cancer with the same attitude that has served me throughout my life and my career: a positive attitude, seeking out my best options, fighting like a warrior and expecting to win,” said Joan. “I’m happy to tell you that after nine months of treatment, 16 rounds of chemo, six weeks of radiation and surgery, I’m now officially a survivor. Nice try cancer, but I’m still here.” For more information about Celebrating Women and Baylor’s cancer initiatives, contact Sarah Burdi at 214.820.4721 or Sarah.Burdi@