Patient lives to see his ‘native heart’
Dallas resident Tim Gallagher
recently held his own heart in his
At first he didn’t realize it was his
heart. He’d been eyeing it during a visit
with William C. “Bill” Roberts, M.D.,
in a small lab on the Baylor University
Medical Center at Dallas campus.
“Dr. Rober ts was explaining
different things about a heart, using
a pointer to show me one aspect or
another,” Tim recalled. “Then I said,
‘Wait. Is that my heart?’”
In fact, it was his native heart. Tim’s
Dr. Amrinder
Amrinder Binda,
Binda, Greyson
Greyson Gallagher,
Tim Gallagher
Gallagher and
and Dr.
Dr. Bill
Bill Roberts
“new” heart was from an anonymous
Tim Gallagher’s