the torch Fall 2015, Issue 3 | Page 13

F C U S O N R E S E A R C H Clinical trials to make uterine transplants a reality at Baylor For many women, the dream of motherhood is one that they’ve donors who are post-menopausal are still candidates for donation. held since they were young children, playing house and caring for Following the transplant surgery, the recipient begins anti-rejection their baby dolls. Unfortunately, thousands of women cannot con- medication and can attempt pregnancy via in-vitro fertilization four ceive due to the lack of a uterus or a compromised, non-functional to six months following surgery. If a pregnancy is established and caruterus. For this population, the options they face are to forgo hav- ried to viability a cesarean section is performed. The transplant is ing children or to pursue surrogacy or adoption. An exciting new intended to be temporary – the recipient will undergo a hysterectom