Giving back for good: board and
employees support show their support
Baylor Scott & White Health – North Texas is
In addition, for the fourth consecutive year, 100 percent of
blessed with dedicated and caring employees who give of their board members across Baylor participated in the 2015 Board
time, service and expertise to patients and their families each Giving Campaign by making a gift or pledge. Representing
and every day. Once again this year, employees, physicians, 16 boards across Baylor Scott & White Health – North Texas,
staff and supporters from such organizations as
287 board members exhibited their commitment and
Aramark, CBR E, Medco, Select, and
dedication by participating in this annual effort.
HealthTexas Provider Network demon“Philanthropic support from our employstrated the depth of their compassion
ees and board members has a positive
and commitment by donating more
ripple effect and sends an important
than $1.65 million in the 2015
message to our patients, donors and
Baylor Health Care System
the community – a message that
Foundation Employee Giving
they not only believe in, but also
Campaign. The annual spring
support the great work that occurs
campaign supports a variety of iniin our hospitals every day,” said
tiatives across the System, including
Rowland K. Robinson, Baylor
Faith in Action, the Employee
Health Care System Foundation
Assistance Fund, Nursing Scholarships
president. “There is no greater
and Medical Education, among others.BAYLOR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM FOUNDATION
testament to the work that we do than
“Every year, the Employee Giving
the resounding support of those who know
Campaign serves as a reminder that I am blessed
us best.”
to work with employees with the most caring hearts
For information about the annual Employee Giving
and giving spirits,” said Joel T. Allison, chief executive offi- Campaign or the Board Giving Campaign, contact Christina
cer of Baylor Scott & White Health. “Once again, I am hum- Goodman at 214.820.4408 or Christina.Goodman@
bled by the outpouring of support and would like to thank
the thousands who participated.”
“There is no greater testament to the work that we do than
the resounding support of those who know us best.”
– Rowland K. Robinson,
President, Baylor Health Care System Foundation