The Texan Issue 1 October 2016 | Page 12

Greetings Texas FBLA! My name is Sabrina Hodgins, and I am delighted to be serving as your 2016-2017 State President.

As a four year member of FBLA, I can easily say that membership and service to this organization has been a defining experience in my high school career. This organization has given me innumerable opportunities - highlights of my FBLA experience include traveling the country, experiencing the business world firsthand, and building invaluable friendships.

This year, my goal for Texas FBLA is to expand our organization as much as possible. Through the tireless efforts of our members, officers, and advisers, I want to bring the opportunities that come with FBLA membership to as many students as we can reach. The state team and I are working constantly in order to better this organization and to expand FBLA’s reach into new schools and areas of our great state. I look forward to working with FBLA members from across Texas this year. Members are the backbone of Texas FBLA, and on behalf of the State Action Team, I would like to extend my thanks for being the driving force that keeps our organization running, pushing boundaries every day and preparing students for the future.

I urge you to attend as many events as possible this year - FBLA membership is a great resource; use it to your advantage! Area Leadership Conferences, the State Leadership Conference, and the National Leadership Conference are all wonderful places to expand your network and grow as a business leader. If you attend any of these events, don’t forget to submit the pictures you take! Tag Texas FBLA social media in your pictures, and make sure to hype up SLC - with beautiful San Antonio as our stage, 2017 is sure to be our greatest year yet!

Yours in leadership,

Sabrina Hodgins

Texas FBLA State President

President's message