The Teenage Brain (May 2014) | Page 15


The commercial is made to advertise alcohol as being a good product. The environment is made to make alcohol look like a motivator or the spark of the party. It portrays the side effect of drinking alcohol as being a party. Everyone in the commercial has a bottle of Bud Light Lime. The color used in the commercial is bright green (lime) which leads your attention to the drinks that they carry: the bright green bottles.


This commercial definitely caught my eyes. The loud music, the people, the color. It looked fun and colorful! The main intention in this commercial is to sell alcohol but to also give it a likeable illusion. And the commercial has done just that. It has created a likeable environment (the party) and has put alcohol right in the middle of it. It had put the Bud Light Lime drink as the motivator. Once the truck comes with the drink a switch turns on and the party begins. That being said the commercial catches my eyes, it is safe to say that it also catches the eyes of others my age or people of any age. This commercial is focusing on a wider amount of people rather than just the people who can actually buy the alcohol legally.