The Teenage Brain (May 2014) | Page 11

A seizure can not be taken care of by the people in the general public. People do not know how to respond or take a care of a person who has a seizure. (The basic first aid.) It is important to the cushion the head, to avoid head injury. Turn the person on their side to make sure they can breathe. Do not restrain the person, or put in anything in their mouth. Only call 911 if the seizure happens in water, the person in unconscious, the person is not breathing, or it is the person’s first seizure.

Spread the word about epilepsy, inform others and help anyone you see who is having a seizure.

Today many people with epilepsy face discrimination. People think that people with epilepsy can not perform daily task and that they have a mental disorder. The term seizure is used as a silly fun word on T.V. comedy shows, but seizures are the exact opposite of what people think that they are. Kids with epilepsy get bullied in school because they are simply different from everyone else. People with epilepsy need to stop being discriminated because they are different. Many people who discriminate against people with epilepsy do not know what this is. That is why we need to spread awareness about epilepsy to not only educate the public, but to protect those who have epilepsy against discrimination.