The Technology Headlines DEMAND FORCASTING & AI | Page 34

THE TECHNOLOGY HEADLINES 10 BEST ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE C O M PA N I E S TO WATCH IN 2019 OrboGraph Unleashing the power of AI and deep learning in payment processing .......................................................................................... AVIKAM BALTSAN C O-P R E S I D E N T A N D CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER , ORBOGRAPH W e have reached a stage where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved out of the pages of science fiction and has become a reality of life. With an immense potential to streamline business operations and enhance decision-making, this powerful technology has made its way into numerous sectors including manufacturing, education,real estate, banking, and healthcare, just to name a few. AI’s contribution to healthcare and banking is what makes it the most remarkable technology of this era, as these industries are active in modernizing systems with the objectives of reducing costs, improving accuracy and updating infrastructures. Today, companies in the healthcare and banking sectors are paying significant attention to solutions based on AI, machine AUGUST 2019 learning and deep learning. Among those, OrboGraph has become a brand that customers trust for its quintessential solutions. With its US offices in Boston, MA, the company has introduced a number of AI, self-learning, deep learning, and cloud technologies. OrboGraph delivers targeted intelligent payment automation solutions for check processing for banking and remittance applications and healthcare payment automation for revenue cycle companies, healthcare providers, large billing companies, banks and clearing houses. Journey so far In the late 1980s and early 1990s, OrboGraph, a subsidiary of Orbotech, started researching promising technologies for reading free-style handwriting, as well as printed characters. When the project was ready for a market rollout in 1996, OrboGraph launched its first courtesy amount recognition (CAR) solution designed to automate the check payment processing for the banking market. Avikam Baltsan, Co-President & Chief Technology Officer of OrboGraph says, “When we started, the mission was to establish a technology that could help with free handwriting and reading printed characters. Today, we are now a technology company with a vision to enable AI, image vision, machine learning, and deep learning to solve problems related to payments.OrboGraph has progressed tremendously over the years.” Performance in banking and healthcare markets In the banking and remittance markets, OrboGraph has carved a niche for itself by delivering new efficiencies with greater accuracy, significantly reducing operational costs and improving a customer’s deposit experience. Additionally, the system generates new data elements for business intelligence applications and back- end machine learning systems. OrboGraph’s legacy check recognition, fraud prevention and payment negotiability solutions, now offered as part of the OrboAnywhere suite, processes for more than 4,000 financial institutions, helping to automate the process of paper-originated negotiable items such as checks, 34