Why Media Matters... | Page 23

It is estimated that the average American adult makes 35,000 decisions a day . How many of these decisions are affected by what we SEE across our screens ?

35,000 Decisions per Day

It is estimated that the average American adult makes 35,000 decisions a day . How many of these decisions are affected by what we SEE across our screens ?
reference : National Library of Medicine
“ The time has never been better for innovative partnerships between progressive brands with advertising dollars , investors with vision , and artists with transformative stories about the human spirit .”
- Charlene SanJenko .
The media we digest daily matters . In whatever form it is consumed — a streamed movie or series , a podcast , an advertisement , or a social media message — it matters . It matters deeply . The media we digest daily either brings us up or it pulls us down .
Stories have always shaped us . It is the stories we choose to tell now that will define our future . Beyond information and entertainment lies the opportunity to return to using the sacred art of storytelling to transform our culture for the better .
Over the coming months , reGEN will begin a series of conversations , interviews , and deep-dive explorations with behaviourial scientists , transpersonal psychologists , and neuroscience researchers as we move deliberately toward the world we want , fuelled by what we watch daily .