#MoreFromMedia - A call to return to the sacred art of storytelling. | Page 22

Our proprietary framework at reGEN , comprised of the six core components below , helps teams identify with clients and stakeholders at a deeper level , enliven their talent and gifts , and embody their values in the process .
We often ask clients to imagine the story they ’ re creating is alive in the world . Audiences are experiencing it , and its ripple of impact has reached its full potential . This begs the question : what is the shift , change , solution , or transformation that will become evident as a result ?
Beyond corporate social responsibility , brand storytelling , cause marketing , and charitable partnerships lies the opportunity for brands to play an allyship role and support a societal narrative shift needed now for a better future . Our audiences deserve more from the media they consume — and today ’ s communicators are poised to help catalyzea meaningful change .

The reGEN process

1 . Impact Vision : Developing Your
5-Point North Star 2 . Impact Narrative 3 . Impact Strategy 4 . Impact Intersections 5 . Impact Partnerships 6 . Impact Campaign
We would be over the moon to work with you and your brand to focus your narrative and develop your Impact Strategy .

Read the full article on Catalyst