Mothers of Film - Elizabeth Woodward | Page 17


“ My mission is to amplify excellent and socially important films that face difficulty securing distribution in a risk-averse market with a narrow view of a given film ’ s potential for success .”


Elizabeth Woodward is a film producer deeply dedicated to giving a voice to stories that are so often overlooked in the male-dominated field the film industry is today . Though the traditional distribution model is stubborn to change , she is committed to pioneering brand new strategies and approaches with her company , WILLA . Their goal is to make independent filmmaking more sustainable and more accessible to those whose stories have been historically under-told and underrepresented .
Elizabeth cites Harlan County , USA , by Barbara Kopple , as the first cinema verite documentary that inspired her to pursue filmmaking of a similar kind and quality , awestruck by the unbelievable nature of the film and what it was able to capture .
Inspired throughout her career and schooling by thought-provoking film and independent documentary work , Elizabeth has a deep love for film that can evoke change and emotion in the viewer - in stories that heal . It ’ s her love for these stories that has turned production and distribution into a passion , helping to see more stories like these be told to broader audiences and touch more lives . “ Too often ,” says Elizabeth , “ excellent and socially important films face difficulty securing distribution in a risk-averse market with a narrow view of a given film ’ s potential for success .”
So she , and WILLA , committed to doing something about it .
Website : willa . org Newsletter sign up : anotherbodyfilm . com

Discover how to join Elizabeth as a Mother of Film here .