The Story of US - Intro issue - March 2024-FINAL-final 1 | Page 27


One More Time for Those in the Back : Brand Allyship in Action

Let ’ s walk through a hypothetical example of a brand allyship opportunity in four simple steps :

1 . Commit to care . What are you ready to commit that demonstrates your values in real-time ? For example , let ’ s say your brand is a global leader in construction tools . One of your organization ’ s values is belonging and you wish to be seen as an inclusive employer . You ’ re committed to taking action and supporting a solution to affordable housing for all .
2 . Show you care . How are you going to take action on this commitment and what partnership ( s ) do you need to build expansive impact around those actions ? You may partner with an innovative developer who is creating affordable housing solutions in sustainable care . With the support of an impact producer , you listen to understand how you can best support this partnership .
3 . Tell your compelling story of care with the assistance of a regenerative media expert and develop an impact narrative for this partnership . The partnership could align with a regenerative media project such as a short film or digital series , focusing on themes like belonging . Alternatively , your brand could collaborate with a regenerative media team to create an impactful media campaign that highlights the project and raises awareness about your priorities and the solutions your partnership actively implements .
4 . Receive care from those you are building relationships with . Finally , this reciprocal approach calls in the impact metrics and milestones that have been agreed to . Relationships grow , reputations are strengthened and embodied brand values are evident to your team . Key stakeholders , industry colleagues and the broader community will be attracted to doing more business with you because of who you are and how you show up in the world .
“ We are living in a time of transformational innovation , and it ' s time advertising catches up . We believe that impact media will follow in the footsteps of impact investing in this decade , including new careers and jobs in this area .” — Charlene SanJenko , Impact Producer and Media Visionary