The Story of US - Intro issue - March 2024-FINAL-final 1 | Page 26


What Do I Need To Know About Regenerative Media and Why ?

Brand allyship starts with a clear commitment of what a brand stands for and then expands to allyship opportunities and meaningful partnerships that provide a runway to work together to bring that commitment to life . It ’ s a vehicle to demonstrate and communicate the brand with a compelling story and ways to experience it .
One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( UN SDGs ) is Partnerships for the Goals : “ Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development .” It recognizes that our most effective way forward for a better world is together . Brand allyship provides a framework to integrate your commitment to this SDG into your marketing and communication practices , including policies , planning , procurement and best practices . Some key aspects of the brand allyship framework that may broaden your understanding include :

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From transactional to relational . Well-being of people and communities are the central focus in brand allyship . Based on aligned values . Partnerships are based on the desire for the same future . Understand that working together demonstrates what ’ s possible as our values are acted upon . Leaning in with a long-term view . Modeling consistent support , not just during relevant events , photo opportunities or crises . Driving a collective process with tangible actions . Where the process is just as important as the outcome ; the learning and unlearning goes beyond symbolic gestures or statements . Prioritizing transparency around impact and outcomes . Metrics and milestones are sought in partnership , becoming an integrated and inevitable part of the process . Embodying a unified desire to move beyond what ’ s been done in the past to reimagine what ’ s possible in the future .
“ I believe the companies that are committed to real change will combine forces and resources to better measure their return on impact , invest in organizations that are serving as boots on the ground , and be accountable to their employees , customers and the planet .”
— Stephanie Belsky , Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer , Love of Good

You ’ ve got a leading role to play . Let ’ s connect .