The Story of US - Intro issue - March 2024-FINAL-final 1 | Page 16


“ To keep the best aspects of humanity thriving , stories need to be told that help us see our common humanity and give us hope . ”

Mary Pat Ryan

" Mary Pat Ryan believes in the transformative power of stories . She sees them as a vital tool for connecting people — or dividing them . In her view , to nurture the best aspects of humanity , it ' s essential to share narratives that underscore our shared humanity and kindle hope . Through this approach , Mary Pat is convinced that we can heal the world ' s extraordinary pain , replacing it with beauty , hope , and compassion .
Over the years , Mary Pat ' s taste in stories has evolved dramatically . As a young woman filled with dreams , she was captivated by ' Out of Africa .' However , as she witnessed the world ' s changes and the deeper stories emerging , her fascination shifted . Films like ' Melancholia ,' Céline Sciamma ' s ' Portrait of a Lady on Fire ,' and the thought-provoking ' Crimes of the Future ' ( 2022 version ) not only intrigued her but also highlighted the urgent need for humanity and the planet to embrace transformative change .
An interesting facet of Mary Pat ' s personality is her reputation as the ' Queen of NO ,' a title bestowed upon her by a close friend . This moniker emphasizes her unique ability to set boundaries , an often overlooked strength in a culture that celebrates affirmation . From her bold decision to leave a corporate career — a move she describes more as a dance of liberation — to her stand against injustices and even simple refusals of social events , each ' NO ' has led her to a life of greater meaning and fulfilment .
Through her story , she hopes to inspire others to recognize the significance of setting boundaries and to remember the powerful role our narratives play in fostering unity and compassion , one story at a time ."

Discover how to join Mary Pat as a Mother of Film here .