The Story of US #3 - October 2024 | Page 35

The most recent funding round ( Round 2 ) draws on lessons from Round 1 , to support bold and transformative projects that are led by First Nations , Métis or Inuit female , Two Spirit , queer , trans , non-binary , or genderdiverse persons in Canada in one ( 1 ) of our four ( 4 ) investment priority areas :
1 . LAND STORY ( environmental sustainability ): solutions that directly address or mitigate climate change .
2 . FOOD SOVEREIGNTY ( agriculture ): solutions that help address food security , including supply chains , food production and food access
3 . TECH ( digital access and data sovereignty ): tech innovations that increase digital access or data sovereignty for Indigenous communities
4 . WELLNESS : solutions that address the mental health and well-being of people using an Indigenous approach .
All projects are Indigenous-led and grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being , and also seek to advance gender equality by creating safe spaces , removing barriers , or uplifting gender equality throughout the innovation .
FOLLOW THEM : Support the work of the very cool innovators I3 works with showcased in the Innovator announcement images on the preceding page . Meet our original Round 1 innovators here . Feel free to reach out to I3 — they are always interested to connect and collaborate with partners and funders who may share their vision .

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