The State Bar Association of North Dakota Summer 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 4
the committee in submitting names of
highly qualified candidates to the Governor.
Excellent appointments have been made!
SBAND Executive Director
It’s official -- I’ve been your Executive
Director for more than a year! The year
has been full of highlights, and I’ll share
some of those highlights with you.
Although it’s hard to limit myself, I’ll
work with a top 10 list.
The Judicial Nominating Committee.
I was prepared for occasional meetings
of the Judicial Nominating Committee.
Little did I know that this excellent group
would meet 10 times in just over a year
to assist the Governor by submitting
lists of highly qualified candidates for
judicial appointments. The meetings
have been held all around the state, and
the permanent committee of six is a
hardworking, dedicated group. In each
judicial district that group is joined
by three temporary members, with
appointments made by the Governor,
Chief Justice, and the SBAND president
from the judicial district in which a
vacancy occurs. It has been an honor to
meet so many great lawyers, and assist
Revitalization of SBAND Committees.
During the last year, nearly all of SBAND’s
standing committees met. The committees
have important functions to serve. Each
committee is made up of lawyer volunteers,
and while some meet more often and
have more tasks than others, each plays
an important role in SBAND, in serving
the membership, and in promoting good
relations with the public.
The Search for a new Home. The C.B.
Little house has been the home of the
Association since 2004. We have enjoyed a
great relationship with our current landlord,
the Diocese of Bismarck. From the moment
I started we continued the work done by
former E.D. Bill Neumann, the staff, and
the local committee of looking at many
potential office locations. Fortunately, we
have landed in the lower level of the North
Dakota Association of Counties building. It
is located on East Capitol Avenue and we
hope to move in sometime in October or
November! We hope you will visit when you
are in Bismarck.
Working with a great Board of Governors.
One of my biggest concerns in taking this
position was how I would work under the
direction of a board made up of 14 (now
15 with the creation of the North Central
Judicial District) board members. I can
tell you it has been one of the best parts
of the job (and this isn’t sucking-up!). The
board is dedicated to the profession and the
association, and while they direct policy, they
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