The Stardom Magazine | Debut Issue 41
Warner Bros. Pictures Pushes Batman
vs. Superman Back to 2016
Kwan Vandenberg added, "We know
that there is already great anticipaccording to the studio, this tion building for the next Super Hero
will give "the filmmakers
film from Zack Snyder, and we are
time to realize fully their
equally eager to see what he has in
vision, given the complex store for Superman and Batman as
visual nature of the story. The deci- they share the big screen for the first
sion was made following the shift of time ever. The summer release corrithe start of production to second
dor is also perfect for Joe Wright's
quarter of this year."
ambitious new Peter Pan adventure,
reimagining the ageless story of the
The studio has also set a July 17,
beloved and forever-young hero for
2015, worldwide release date for its audiences worldwide."
as-yet-untitled all-new Peter Pan adventure. Joe Wright will direct the
Zack Snyder's Superman/Batman film
epic live-action film about the boy
stars Henry Cavill, reprising his role
who would never grow up, created
as Superman/Clark Kent, and Ben
by J.M. Barrie.
Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne. The
film will also reunite Man of Steel
The dual date announcement was
stars Amy Adams, Laurence
made by Dan Fellman, President, Do- Fishburne and Diane Lane, and also
mestic Distribution, and Veronika
stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/
Kwan Vandenberg, President, Inter- Diana Prince.
national Distribution, Warner Bros.
Snyder will direct the film from a
screenplay written by David S. Goyer,
In making the announcement, Fellfrom a story co-created by Goyer and
man stated, "We are happy to take
Snyder. Charles Roven and Deborah
advantage of these coveted summer Snyder are producing, with Benjamin
dates, which are perfect for two of
Melniker, Michael E. Uslan and
our biggest tent pole releases. We
Wesley Coller serving as executive
share the fans' excitement to see DC producers.
Comics' most popular figures, Superman and Batman, together on the
The film is based on Superman charbig screen for the first time, which
acters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe
will now be arriving in theatres in
Shuster, Batman characters created
May 2016. Peter Pan has delighted
by Bob Kane, and Wonder Woman
people of every generation for more created by William Moulton Marthan a century, so we are thrilled to ston, published by DC Entertainment.
bring him back to the screen next
summer for today's moviegoers."