The SPIRE Summer 2013 | Page 9

On August 3 Westwood and seven area UM churches and ministries will partner with Stop Hunger Now . Photos ( clockwise ): volunteers package meals for use around the world ; cartons of meals await shipping ; children in Nicaraqua eating meal provided by Stop Hunger Now . ucla wEslEy FoundaTion FocusEs on hungEr JusTicE To ‘ changE ThE world ’
By Barbara Dunlap-Berg
“ Change the World ” weekend is not new to the University of California , Los Angeles campus of more than 41,000 students . However , said Jeanne Roe Smith , campus minister and director of the UCLA Wesley Foundation , 2013 is “ the first time we are doing something across the California-Pacific Annual Conference , in partnership with district events focusing on hunger .”
A part of the Rethink Church initiative of United Methodist Communications , “ Change the World ” weekend is May 18-19 . The global event encourages congregations to go outside their walls to share the love of Jesus Christ . At UCLA , it ’ s about extending the reach of the huge campus .
“ We are working with local hunger ministries to bring visibility to food justice concerns ,” Smith said . “ There will be an event in Orange County entitled Hunger Awareness Sunday .”
Food justice for students and families is an ongoing ministry of the Wesley Foundation , which works with Kardia United Methodist Church in Los Angeles in its monthly Meals with Hope outreach .
“ We prepare , serve and share food with people in the neighborhood who are homeless , day laborers or experiencing food shortages ,” Smith said . Students share conversation as well as scriptures and reflections in English and Spanish with the guests . She wants to connect the ministry with “ Change the World ” and , at the least , will publicize Meals with Hope and encourage churches to support it .
CAfÉ CoMBAts hunGer The Wesley Foundation ’ s 580 Café has addressed hunger and food justice concerns for three years . It began with a
9 request from the vice chancellor in UCLA ’ s student affairs office seeking assistance for students experiencing food / hunger issues , both on campus and in their homes .
Partnering with churches , alumni , neighbors , food banks and businesses , Smith said , the ministry offers hot meals twice a week , and snacks , fruit , sandwiches and other ready-to-eat options Monday through Friday . Students also identify community resources on or near campus for students who need food over the weekend .
“ This is an incredible way to ‘ offer them Christ ’ by sharing our resources , community and concern ,” she said . Few students who use Café 580 have United Methodist ties . They “ are surprised to find that we offer them not only food , but also a space to relax , study and explore their beliefs and traditions with respect and courtesy to all .”
A United Methodist deaconess , Smith sees participating in “ Change the World ” as an excellent way to draw people into the church .
College students have enormous enthusiasm and passion for social justice , she observed .
“ Many of our students come from underserved , underrepresented communities ,” she said . “ Their enthusiasm , care and compassion are inspiring , as they share what they have experienced personally and what they are learning at the university about creating cultures of respect , grace and access .”
Barbara Dunlap-Berg is internal content editor at United Methodist Communications , Nashville , Tenn . This article originally appeared in the March-April issue of The Interpreter , the national program magazine of The United Methodist Church . www . interpretermagazine . org