The Good News is Bread
By John Woodall
When people were hungry , Jesus didn ’ t say , “ Now is that political , or social ?” He said , “ I feed you .” Because the good news to a hungry person is bread .
— Bishop Desmond Tutu
It is estimated that one billion people will go to bed hungry tonight ; two hundred million of them will be children . It is a staggering statistic any way we choose to look at it . Hunger continues to be a major problem for our world community and certainly is a matter of concern for those who choose to be followers of Jesus . Here at Westwood UMC we ’ ve had a commitment to make a difference in projects both financial and “ hands-on .” Our Mission Team has adopted the focus “ Until All Are Fed ” for the program year and they have provided a variety of ways for people to get involved .
Our Food Bag Ministry is simple and straightforward . Interested participants are asked to fill a bag ( handy , re-useable ones are available ) with non-perishable food items as often as possible . Food bins are in the church narthex to receive the donations . The food is then shared with Loaves and Fishes , a project of the West District of the United Methodist Church of which we are a part . Loaves and Fishes serves as a distribution center for a number of food pantries and feeding programs providing much-needed assistance .
A dedicated group of Saturday volunteers have provided monthly hot breakfasts for People Assisting The Homeless ( P . A . T . H ) at their Hollywood Transitional Housing Shelter . Sign-ups are taken every month .
New this past year has been participation in Meals with Hope at Kardia United Methodist Church in West Los Angeles . Meals with Hope provides a hot lunch two Saturdays a
8 month . WUMC partners with students at our UCLA Wesley Foundation to prepare and serve the meals .
A new program for Westwood UMC will be the organization and hosting of a Stop Hunger Now event on Saturday , August 3 , 2013 . Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief agency that has been fulfilling its commitment to end hunger for more than fifteen years . Since 1998 , the organization has coordinated the distribution of food and other lifesaving aid to children and families in countries all over the world .
Stop Hunger Now created its meal-packaging program in 2005 . The program perfected the assembly process that combines rice , soy , dehydrated vegetables and a flavoring mix including 21 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packets . Each meal costs only 25 cents . The food stores easily , has a shelf-life of two years and transports quickly . Stop Hunger Now works with international partners that ship and distribute the meals in-country .
In cooperation with seven other United Methodist Churches and Ministries in our area , the goal will be to pack 50,000 meals that can be used for emergency relief locally and globally . Participants need no special skills other than being over four years of age ! The Stop Hunger Now organization has devised an ingenious way to mass produce meals at a low cost ( 25 cents each ). We will provide both the labor and the funds to cover the costs of the meals . I recently challenged the Westwood congregation to provide 75 volunteers and $ 5000 toward the ultimate goal of 150 volunteers and $ 12,500 . There will be several opportunities over the next month to sign up and donate . A special website has been created for the event and can be found at http :// events . stophungernow . org / UMCLA .
Working to eradicate hunger is something within the grasp of everyone who follows Jesus . One of the gifts that the Holy Spirit provides is inspiration that motivates everyday people to dream of ways to make a difference . All of these programs supported by Westwood UMC can and do make a difference . Mother Teresa of Calcutta was quoted as saying , “ I never look at the masses as my responsibility . I look at the individual . I can love only one person at a time . I can feed only one person at a time . Just one , one , one .” Each of us has the ability to make a difference – one person at a time .
John Woodall is Westwood ’ s Senior Pastor . john @ westwoodumc . org
Photos : Paul Jeffrey , www . kairosphotos . com