The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 25

oh, but she’s an eagle when she flies! Juggling a business can be difficult for anyone. How do you balance being both a caregiver and a business woman? Share with us some tips. for special needs kids, but each time her health deteriorated drastically and she began having so many seizures that sending her to school became not only pointless but also impossible. So she is home to stay! It’s hard for me because Bethany definitely demands my time and attention and does not like to wait for it! I try to put in about an hour or two sharing on my social media accounts and checking email first thing in the morning while she is occupied with eating breakfast and watching a video. Then we do our homeschooling. I take advantage of every available minute to write or otherwise work on my blog or vlog when Bethany is with her aide. We are in the process of looking for a new home where I’m hoping I’ll be able to set up an office and establish office hours. I think this will help a lot. In the future I’m hoping to write more on other platforms and write a book about our experiences. I’d also like to “professionalize” my vlog a little. I know that you are also a homeschooling mom. Can you share with us why you chose to homeschool and how do you find the time to homeschool all nine children? Well, as I mentioned before, most of my kids are grown ups with college degrees now. So I’m only homeschooling two now, Jeremiah and Bethany. We decided to homeschool in 1984 basically only because the public schools where we lived at the time were very dangerous places to be and we could not afford private schools. I soon realized how much I actually enjoyed homeschooling so we just kept doing it! We did try sending Bethany to public school where we live now- twice actually and once to a private school 25 Are there any takeaways that you have learned from the past year when it comes to how you want to run your blog/ business in the new year? I’ve been learning some basic HTML and how to optimize for search engines. I hope to put in more time building up followers on my blog and other social media accounts and learn more effective ways to monetize my blog, and I’d like to treat my writing as more of a business than a hobby, not because I want to make lots of money doing it, (though I wouldn’t mind making a little money in the process) but because I want be more productive and effective in sharing our story with others. Where do you see your blog/business heading in the new year? I’d like to begin writing my book as well as writing for others such as I’m doing for you here to get our story “out there”! I’m gearing my blog/vlog up to becoming a sort of gathering place for others who are dealing with similar issues, a place where we can hang out and help each other get through this crazy life together! I want others to know that they are loved and cared about and that Faith, Hope, and Love is a safe and welcoming place to be. And being a single income family, I’m certainly not opposed to earning a dollar or two in the new year either! Thanks for giving me this opportunity to share our story. I really do appreciate it! facebook twitter