The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 24

She’s a sparrow when she’s broken, to vomit periodically we decided to take her to the walk in clinic one night where she was misdiagnosed with a mild case of the West Nile Virus. We were told to let it run it’s course for about two weeks. debilitating diagnoses like Bethany has, can you explain to us how you deal with this on a daily basis? When Bethany began losing her balance and falling shortly after that diagnosis we thought she might have some kind of ear infection. We even thought she might have carbon monoxide poisoning because we had been having trouble with our furnace and her symptoms matched. We actually had all the kids tested for that just in case, but the tests were all negative. We took Bethany to our regular doctor who took one look at her walk and immediately sent us to the hospital for a scan of her brain where she was diagnosed with a mass in her cerebellum. Later that same day we found ourselves in an ambulance on the way to a larger hospital for surgery to remove the tumor. Thank God that we finally got the correct diagnosis because the hydrocephalus that the tumor was causing was actually killing her. She would not have lived much longer than a day or two. At first I held high hopes that Bethany would eventually heal from her brain injury and go back to being her old self again. When it became obvious that that was not going to happen I began to get angry that God wasn’t answering my prayers and healing her. I still don’t understand why He has chosen to allow Bethany to suffer in this way but I do know that I eventually found great peace in surrendering to the fact that this was our life now. Call it a crutch but I MUST believe that some day I’ll be able to ask God why, that it will all make perfect sense and that it will have been for a grand and noble and magnificent reason! That is the only way I can deal with it! That and not taking her aggression personally! Is there anything that you’d like others to know about your child? My wis