The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 14

Lisa Lightner I live in southeastern PA with my husband, two sons and two dogs. I run the blog, do some lobbying, work as an advocate (I prefer the term disabilities consultant), have a newspaper column, PTO president…I keep busy. Please tell us more about your family. I have one boy in kindergarten and my older son with special needs goes to Devereux CARES Day School, an intensive ABA program for children with disabilities. facebook Thinking about your journey raising a child with special needs, can you elaborate on this comment: “I wished I knew then, what I know now”? That it wouldn’t be so dark, so full of despair. Those first few weeks and months are devastating. But you know, the fog lifts, acceptance comes to be and you’re ok, just doing what you gotta do. You think that your life will never be normal. It’s different, it’s a different normal, but most of what we do is normal stuff. Can you share with us your child’s diagnosis? My son has a condition called Dup15Q. As far as what it looks like….it’s autism, intellectual disability, cortical visual impairment, mobile and ambulatory, but non-verbal. Very sweet, very agreeable passive kid. Looking into the future, what do you wish for your child(ren)? My new wishes for my kids are to be safe, and to live a happy life…but not at the expense of others. That’s it. twitter