The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 4th Issue | Page 7

way for everyone especially if one is a Type A personality and can’t “quiet the mind or sit still.” EXACTLY why we stay with yoga for more than one class. First of all, yoga is more than poses. It is also breathing techniques, eating clean and honoring and caring for your body. Each pose, or breath is done for a specific purpose. For example, twisting postures aid in digestion. I discovered that after a few months of yoga, my outlook on life began transforming. I began looking for the lesson and blessing in every situation. I began to see the beauty all around me and focused more on abundance instead of lack. Yoga has helped me stay strong, and sane through many difficult challenges in life. I understand there is a blessing even in chaos, instability, change, and loss. to realize their worth and beauty. I also help them to uncover their hidden gifts to share with others and lead a much less stressful life. Teaching yoga has literally become my mission and ministry. In my classes the goal is for the student to feel good in their bodies, learn to be calm in the midst of the storms of life and Helene is a 200 hour Regular Yoga Teacher, Balanced Body Barre Certified, NFPT certified personal trainer. She is currently teaching yoga at Sports Yoga M2 and Loggerhead Fitness. facebook I hope yoga finds you and that you experience the same joy and peace as I have and that it will enrich your life as it has for me.§ 7 twitter