The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 4th Issue | Page 6

Y O G A The Amazing Benefits of I think we can all agree that life is pretty stressful just on a typical day: traffic, the news, deadlines, getting kids from A to B. Then add in the unique stresses of being a parent of a child/ children with special needs. Although we would not trade our children for the world, we are subject to unique stresses that typical families are not. As women we are the caretakers and nurturers of everyone. We keep the ship afloat so to speak, however I know many dads do this as well. We as caregivers often forget to care for ourselves. We know it’s important, but don’t carve out the time, don’t have the time; or feel guilty to take the time to recharge our own batteries. However, it is imperative that we do. If not, eventually we are spread too thin and lack the energy and focus to perform at our best. There are so many ways to acknowledge and channel stress in a positive way. For me personally, it’s through yoga. Yoga “found me” about 15 years ago. I had injured one of my hamstrings as a young teen and it caused chronic pain all my life. My gym offered yoga and thought I would give it a try. Well, it was love at first class!! It is not this facebook 6 twitter