The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine 4th Issue | Page 2

November 2014 In This Issue Interviews Beverly Palomba: Special Day Cooking...........4 Susan Rosana: The Parent’s Notebook..............8 Kerith Stull: Brielle and Me........................14 Kristi Campbell: Finding Ninee......................22 Laura Heigl: Ann Catherine............................32 43 The Amazing Benefits of Yoga ...........................6 Network to Promote Your Business................11 Passing the Torch: Life-changing Conversations for Special Needs Parents........................12 Self-Advocacy: My Life, My Way....................18 Charitable Giving at the Holidays..............20 In the Cracks of the Spectrum: 14 Diagnosis Smith-Magenis Syndrome....26 Surviving the Holidays with Food Allergies......30 Look Where They Are Now: A Year Later.....36 Top Toys for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders............38 How to Choose Toys for Kids with 42 Sensory Processing Disorders................40 Bonus: Free Printable 34 Articles