The Special Eden Creatures Special Creatures | Page 13
The Wisdom of the Elders and Zach the Caterpillar
Ollie, the wise old owl had his home in the hole that Nicki the woodpecker chopped
into an oak tree that was over hundreds of years old, so wide and high there was
nothing like it in all of Eden forest. Zach the caterpillar went up the trunk of the
old Oak Tree and awaited his encounter with Ollie.
Oliver the wise old owl woke up just as the stars stared to shine, he stretched his
wings, legs, and back and started into his day's work. "What’s this we have here?
A caterpillar, this must be lucky day. Caterpillars are very special," he explained
to Zach.
"What is so special about being a caterpillar?" Zach complained. "It takes us so long
to get anywhere, all my life I've been wanting to drink some water from Eden
Pond," she protested.
Oliver the owl had to hold back his laughter, and then he told Zach to pay close
attention so he can give him an idea, "and you can tell everyone I bless you with
a long life. Keep that secret close and believe it in your heart until it comes true."
Picture: Stars in sky, owl on branch about to laugh talks to caterpillar, bird on upper branch
As a slight ray of light breaks through the darkness, Zach the caterpillar and Chana
the stork hurry happily along their way back to Eden Pond. Upon their return,
Zach and Chana each went their own ways. "I appreciate everything you did for
me. Well, this is goodbye - or should I say, fare thee well until we meet again!"
Zach crawls unto a comfortable branch and weaves a cocoon around himself.
The Special Creatures stood there in awe as they watched. Almost a month later the
cocoon suddenly splits open and an amazing Monarch-butterfly is flapping its
wings. Zach the butterfly ponders the question, "Where are my six legs? What
are these wings?" WOW! I've changed into a butterfly. That's what called the
good old age."
Picture : Special Creatures watching cocoon opening on branch of blueberry bush
Up above; overhead, Zach the butterfly is bursting with joy and doing flying
somersaults. He calls to the Special Creatures, "Hello, hey there, shalom. How
are you?" The were watching this beautiful butterfly dancing before their very
eyes, but they didn't know who this new creature is. Gerry the giraffe, who was
about the height of the butterfly, asked him. "Who are you? Do we know you
from someplace?"
Zach the butterfly laughed and said merrily, "It's me, I was a caterpillar. When I
broke out of the cocoon, I had turned into a butterfly.
When the Special Creatures realized what this fantastic sight was all about they
broke into joyously jumping and dancing.
Zach remembered something very important, "The first thing I must fulfill my life's
dream to drink water from Eden Pond
Picture : Special Eden Creatures dancing near broken cocoon on which sits butterfly
The Caterpillar